Πέμπτη 12 Ιουλίου 2007

Ελλάς το μεγαλείο σου - Μερος 2ον

'Eνας άχρηστος πολιτικός λέγεται ρεζίλι, δύο λέγονται δικηγορικό γραφείο και τρεις γίνονται Βουλή - Αντώνης Β.

5 σχόλια:

ellinida είπε...

And you know what they say about lawyers and the bottom of the sea eh ? :PPPPP


Το ξέρουμε πως όλοι είναι άχρηστοι, μα το ξεχναμε μπρος στην κάλπη

Γλαρένιες αγκαλιές

Αντωνης Βαλαμoντες είπε...

2 lawyers decided to go deep sea fishing, finally they get on the fishing boat and they go 100 miles off the shore fishing, as they are fishing, one of the lawyers snares a large marlin, it was that big that the fish pulled him in the water, everybody on the boat paniced, including his best friend, as he is swimming to reach the boat, everybody notices a large Great White heading for the lawyer, suddenly he goes under, several minutes passed and every is worried that the shark finally got the lawyer. All of the sudden the lawyer comes flying out of the water and lands on the deck of the boat, everybody runs to see is he is still alive, they see that he is still breathing and doing ok! considering he just escaped from the mouth of a man-eater. His Lawyer friend asks him, "How did you get away from the shark?" his friend replied," Professional Courtesy! "

The Rest is history...

ellinida είπε...


Ζυγίνα είπε...
